Future Donator
University Scholarship

The Scholarship for financial relief during studies.

Donate now!


Driven by our values we want to give something back. True to our motto:

"Waste your money for something meaningful."

Our Values


Take responsibility whenever you are able to do so.


Care for more justice when others do not.


Create something that will outlast you.


Be convinced that you can achieve a lot with a little.


Protect what matters to you.



Sometimes you have to travel all the way to the other end of the world to understand what it means to be home and to understand how well you are situated compared to others. During my trip around the world in 2015/2016 I came up with the idea of establishing a foundation - six months and 15,000 km away from home.

Dirk Krüger (Managing Director)


Zukunftsstifter Schulstipendium

»Care for more justice when others do not.«

Justice means for us...

As an advocate of the "social market economy" we want to convince companies to use part of their profits for our charitable purpose:

  • For education
  • For conservation of nature
  • Against child poverty
  • Against old-age poverty

How we convince companies...

  • You donate and thus increase the foundation's assets
  • The foundation's assets are used to buy shares and ETFs
  • This way, the foundation receives a part of the company profits (e.g. dividends)
  • We use these profits for our charitable purposes (see above): for example the >>Future Donator University Scholarship<<

Hamburger Speicherstadt | Photo by Patrick Baum on Unsplash

»Create something that will outlast you.«

Sustainability means for us...

  • The foundation itself was designed to do good even in over 100 years.
  • As we invest up to 1/3 of the asset management surplus, the use of compound interest allows for the foundation's assets to grow over time regardless of new donations.
  • Our foundation purpose itself which is committed to sustainable topics:
    • For education
    • For conservation of nature
    • Against child poverty
    • Against old-age poverty
Hamburger Hafen Terminals

»Be convinced that you can achieve a lot with a little.«

Efficiency means for us...

  • Digitalisation: the foundation is digitally on the move whenever it makes sense. Examples: this website zukunftsstifter.de, online banking, online donation collection etc.
  • Low administration costs:
  • all members work on a voluntary basis,
  • no expensive offices,
  • no expensive tax consultancy (costs >1.000 € p.a. are usual),
  • no account management charges etc.
  • No expensive asset management by a bank: but by the founders themselves, with over 15 years of experience in the stock market.
    Among other things, we try to limit the costs of asset management to a maximum of 0.5% per year by using ETFs, so that more money remains for our charitable purpose.
Zukunftsstifter Schulstipendium

»Protect what matters to you.«

Safety means for us...
...to give the foundation the following support during its first years:

  • Guarantee of the "distribution" of 2% of the foundation's assets* for charitable purposes even in years without income:
  • If the foundation's income in the first few years is not sufficient to use 2% p.a. of the foundation's assets* for our charitable purposes, the founders guarantee to donate the missing amount.
  • This applies until 2022 inclusive.
  • 100% of the donations go directly into the asset stock as a basis for our charitable purposes:
  • Other nonprofit organizations spend up to 50% of received donations on administration costs. We keep our administration costs as low as possible (maximum 10% p.a.). All administrative costs are covered by the founders in the first years.
  • This applies until 2022 inclusive.

*up to a maximum of 250,000 € foundation's assets


Dirk Krüger

Foundation Chairman

  • Founding member
  • Responsible for the foundation management
  • ___________________
  • Master in Business Adminstration
  • Since 2020 in software developement

Josephin-Victoria Linke

Member of the foundation council

  • Founding member
  • Advises the foundation in the field of marketing
  • ___________________
  • Master in Design Management
  • Since 2010 in strategic marketing

Dr. Robert Lüder

Member of the foundation council

  • Founding member
  • Advises the foundation in the field of finance & taxes
  • ___________________
  • Economist & lecturer
  • Since 2019 in the area of private clients / succession


Number of scholarships awarded to date


Distribution per scholarship


Distribution of scholarships since foundation


Drunk coffees since foundation


via PayPal


or via bank transfer

Zukunftsstifter e.V.
IBAN: DE62 8306 5408 0004 1044 55
VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG

IMPORTANT: your donation always goes into the asset stock of the Zukunftsstifter!
Further details here.